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ENERCON receives ‘turbines of the year’ award from Windpower Monthly

Wie der Verlag mitteilte, gewann ENERCONs neues Topmodell in der Kategorie „Drivetrains“ die Goldmedaille. Ausgezeichnet wurden von einer Fachjury „geniale Lösungen zur Bewältigung von Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Materialien und Technologie“.

The decisive criteria for the jury's vote were the E2's new separable permanent magnet generator, its reduced need for rare earths and the innovative and efficient pre-assembly, transportation and installation concept.

‘I am delighted to receive this award,’ says ENERCON CTO Jörg Scholle. ‘This is a great recognition for us and especially for our entire development team. The award shows that our products and technologies are attracting attention and a great deal of interest in the industry. On behalf of my colleagues on the Board, I would also like to thank everyone involved in the E-175 project for their great commitment!’

Gold medal in the ‘Drivetrains’ category for new E-175 EP5 E2